Welcome party

In April, we held a welcome party for new students, including two fourth-year undergraduates, five master’s students, and one doctoral student. Welcome to Kawamoto Lab and let’s enjoy research together.

Welcome party

On November 27, we had a welcome party for Yokoyama-san (researcher) and Atti-san (master course student) who joined our lab in October. We are looking forward to working with them.

Dr. Rosna’s visit

Dr. Rosnah (Assist. Prof.) from Universiti Brunei Darussalam is visiting our lab for two weeks (she is a graduate of our lab and received her Ph.D. degree). Dr. Rosnah gave a special lecture on biorefinery systems and their LCA on September 21.

Graduation Ceremony

On March 24, the graduation ceremony for this year was held. One undergraduate, four master’s students, and one doctoral student graduated from our laboratory. Congratulations! Commemorative photo with lab members